Colman Infant and Junior School

School Uniform

Colman Infants School – Uniform

Please remember to name all your child’s possessions.

Our school colours are red, black, white and grey. This takes the form of a red or black top and grey skirt or trousers. We sometimes ask for a white blouse or shirt to be worn for special occasions.

Children need a change of clothes for PE and games. This should be:

  • PE shoes (plimsolls) – slip-ons are easiest for children to manage-no trainers please
  • Plain dark coloured shorts and white tee shirt

PE clothes and plimsolls should be kept in a named drawstring bag on your child’s peg throughout the week.

Please do not send your child to school in jeans or football strip. Please make sure that their shoes are appropriate for work and play. High heels for girls are not suitable.

Jewellery is not encouraged. We cannot take any responsibility for jewellery that your child might wear to school. Earrings, especially those that hang or are in loops, can be dangerous when working on the PE apparatus, playing games or swimming. Please be aware that following ear piercing children are not able to swim for a period of 6 weeks.

In the interest of safety, children will be asked to remove all jewellery, including earrings, when taking part in the above activities during lesson time. Please teach your child to remove and replace his/her earrings. If they are unable to do this, then earrings will be covered with hypoallergenic tape during PE and games sessions.

How to order your uniform

All our uniform is being supplied by Birds of Dereham ( Birds of Dereham provide free delivery to school. Just select free to school and use the code COL15.

Colman Junior School – Uniform

We place great emphasis on children wearing the correct school uniform each day. Our uniform is practical, smart and supports positive behaviour and discipline, as well as promoting a sense of belonging and pride in our school. We expect every child to be wearing the following clothes:

  • A plain red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
  • Black or grey trousers/skirt/pinafore (black/grey shorts or a red gingham dress is allowed in warm weather)
  • A white blouse/shirt or white /red polo shirt
  • Black/grey/white/red tights/socks (no patterns please)
  • Black shoes or plain, flat, black boots (sandals with closed toes and heels may be worn in warm weather)
  • Head scarves should be plain red, black or white in colour

School sweatshirts and fleeces, PE bags and bookbags can be purchased online from Birds of Dereham –

Financial support for the purchase of school uniform may be available from Anguish’s Educational Foundation. For more information, please telephone 01603 621023.

Children who are not wearing school uniform will be reminded of the school standards and expected to address this quickly. Please help your child by ensuring that your child conforms to the school’s dress code. Where uniform issues are not addressed quickly, we will contact you directly.

PE Kit

At Colman Junior School, children come into school in their PE kit and stay in this all day on PE days. This is to reduce lost learning time spent changing and to ensure that there is no barrier to participation in PE due to children feeling uncomfortable about changing in front of their peers. We expect every child to wear the following:

  • Shorts, plain t-shirt(in house colour). T-shirts with logos or designs are not acceptable.
  • Plimsolls for PE and trainers for games.
  • In colder weather children can wear black or grey jogging bottoms and either a black or grey sweatshirt or their school jumper for extra warmth. Hoodies should not be worn for safety reasons.
  • For swimming, a one-piece swimming costume (girls) and trunks (boys), swimming hat, bath-size towel and a comb/brush. Please do not send in sprays or talcum powder unless prescribed by a doctor, as these can trigger asthma attacks.

Children who do not have P.E. kit in school will be reminded of the school standards and expected to address this quickly. Please help your child by ensuring that your child has the right PE and swimming kit in school when they need it. Where PE kit issues are not addressed quickly, we will contact you directly.

Further Information

Jewellery and Make-up

Jewellery should not be worn to school, with the exception of watches and simple ear studs. The wearing of make-up by children in school is not permitted, including nail varnish. As with uniform and PE kit, children who wear make-up or nail varnish to school will be asked to remove it for the next school day; if it is not removed, we will contact you directly.

Naming Uniform and Property

Please make sure that all your child’s personal belongings are clearly named. This includes shoes, coats and lunchboxes. We gather a substantial amount of lost property each term and it is much easier to return things to their rightful owner if they have been named. Please ensure that your child does not bring expensive items, such as iPods or Nintendo DS, into school. Mobile phones are not permitted in school.

Second Hand Uniform

Second hand uniform is available from the school for any families who need it. Please speak to the school office or our pastoral team if you need any uniform items and we will look at our stocks to check if we have the sizes that you need.