Colman Infant and Junior School


PSHE is recognised as a key subject for our children. At The Colman Schools, it is felt that PSHE needs to be taught and addressed in an ongoing manner. In PSHE, frequent, albeit shorter lessons, are felt to be the best way to work with the children in addressing friendships, conflict resolution, self-regulation and wellbeing.

It is the intent of the curriculum to:

  • Develop an understanding of their own and others emotions allowing for them to create and resolve conflicts within friendships and within families.
  • Build confidence in their own strengths and appreciate differences in themselves and others.
  • Understand their own changes and how best to maintain their personal wellbeing.
  • Understand their civic responsibilities in their school, local community, country and wider world.

We use the Jigsaw curriculum to support the delivery of PSHE.

More information can be found at:

Our curriculum structure allows for the flexibility to address issues that arise naturally within the complexities of the classroom and school culture. The curriculum is designed to be taught regularly through class assembly time and weekly PSHE lessons.

The RSE curriculum has been given a priority by ensuring there is ample and adequate time to address all the key aspects of relationships and the changing body by using one lesson a week for a half term to address these key principles. The general overview of topics within PSHE are built into the curriculum but can be flexibly delivered by the teachers and adjusted to assure they are meeting the needs of the children.

Open Morning | Friday 10th January 2025

Come and see our newly renovated Early Years Provision with amazing new outdoor space at our Open Morning on Friday 10th January at 10am.

We offer:

  • Amazing outdoor space within the city
  • Newly developed Early Years outside learning space and classrooms
  • Extended school day (Wednesday) allowing all children to take part in a club of their choosing free of charge
  • CUSP Curriculum – used in over 700 schools nationally and with exceptional above national average outcomes evidenced in Unity Schools Partnership schools
  • All through curriculum (ages 4-11) linked with Colman Junior School for consistency
  • Use of Apple technology to support for teaching and learning

Or please feel free to book an appointment by emailing or calling us on 01603 508530.