Colman Infant and Junior School

Deaf Resource Bases (DRB)

About our Deaf Resource Bases

The Colman Schools host a Deaf Resource Base (DRB) at both our Infant School (Key Stage 1) and Junior School (Key Stage 2).

This is part of Norfolk’s ‘local offer’ for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

You can also find more information about the support for Deaf children across the county provided by Virtual School Sensory Support.

We have provision for six placements that are open to Deaf children throughout the county.

Our Deaf children are valued members of our school and fully included in all aspects of school life. They learn alongside their mainstream peers (either in class or in a smaller group) at Oak Class at Colman Infant School or The Minpins Room at Colman Junior school.

The Deaf children are encouraged to have a positive Deaf identity and have a weekly ‘Deaf time’ where they study and discuss aspects of Deaf culture with a Deaf teacher and other visiting members of the Deaf community.

Pupils throughout the school are encouraged to value the cultural diversity that our Deaf children bring to the school and learn BSL which is a language of our community and seen in class, during assemblies and of course, on the playground!

Meet Mr Sinclair!

Open Morning | Friday 10th January 2025

Come and see our newly renovated Early Years Provision with amazing new outdoor space at our Open Morning on Friday 10th January at 10am.

We offer:

  • Amazing outdoor space within the city
  • Newly developed Early Years outside learning space and classrooms
  • Extended school day (Wednesday) allowing all children to take part in a club of their choosing free of charge
  • CUSP Curriculum – used in over 700 schools nationally and with exceptional above national average outcomes evidenced in Unity Schools Partnership schools
  • All through curriculum (ages 4-11) linked with Colman Junior School for consistency
  • Use of Apple technology to support for teaching and learning

Or please feel free to book an appointment by emailing or calling us on 01603 508530.