Colman Infant and Junior School


Norfolk School Admissions

Enquiries about admissions for Reception or other year-group children are most welcome at anytime. We would love to show you around our school and tell you everything about what makes life at Colman so special.

If you would like to book a visit to our school, please contact the school office on 01603 508530 or email

For all of the details regarding our school’s admission arrangements, please see our Admissions Policy located on our Policies page.

Intake Policy

The process for making an application to attend the school and notification for admission will be in accordance with the timetable set by the Local Education Authority.

Though there is no statutory obligation for class size in Key Stage 2, the governing body recommends that class sizes, where possible, should not exceed 30.

When there are more children requesting places than there are places available, the criteria for over subscription will be used.  

In the event of there being more applications for admission, than places available, the following criteria will be used to allocate such places as are available – and in this order of priority:

1. Children with a statement of special educational needs naming this school.

2. Looked after children.

3. Children living within the school’s designated catchment area, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.

4. Children living within the school’s designated catchment area, who do not have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.

5. Children living outside the school’s designated catchment area, who have a sibling attending the school at the time of admission.

6. Children living outside the school’s designated catchment area, who have a medical condition, for which attendance at the school is both desirable and supported by a doctor, in writing.

7. All other children.

In the event of a tie, between children within the same category living outside the school’s designated catchment area, allocation will be given to the child living nearest to the school and then to the child living next nearest to the school and so on, until all places are exhausted.

The distance between the child’s home and the school to be measured on Ordnance Survey maps, in a straight line (as the crow flies).

Parents of children living outside the school’s designated catchment area must provide to the school a written undertaking that they are wholly responsible for the transport of the child to and from school.

Open Morning | Friday 10th January 2025

Come and see our newly renovated Early Years Provision with amazing new outdoor space at our Open Morning on Friday 10th January at 10am.

We offer:

  • Amazing outdoor space within the city
  • Newly developed Early Years outside learning space and classrooms
  • Extended school day (Wednesday) allowing all children to take part in a club of their choosing free of charge
  • CUSP Curriculum – used in over 700 schools nationally and with exceptional above national average outcomes evidenced in Unity Schools Partnership schools
  • All through curriculum (ages 4-11) linked with Colman Junior School for consistency
  • Use of Apple technology to support for teaching and learning

Or please feel free to book an appointment by emailing or calling us on 01603 508530.